“This is the song that began this latest journey around the country. It's a tale of the aftermath of destruction. It's a song of hope. It began on the 405 in LA one night after shows in Hollywood with original MT WARNING collaborator/inspirator/producer Taylor Steele, he went to work the next day and I went down a very slippery slope. I'd let my own life fall into a certain spot and once I'd had enough wallowing in my own shit, I penned this to pull myself out. When I put the bus tour idea to the crew at FallenBROKENStreet, this song lead the charge, a driving song, a song of retribution. This tour has nearly killed me, again, all my own devices, again. So now, here's the song, that begins a journey, yearns for the present to be ok, celebrates all the steps it takes to get there…….” - MT WARNING