
1 the feeling one has on realising that every other individual one sees has a life as vivid and complex as one’s own, in which they are the main character and others, including oneself, have secondary or insignificant roles:

Welcome to the start of a story...

Welcome to the world of Fallen Broken Street—Products of Space and Time. #FallenBrokenStreet #ProductsOfSpaceAndTime

Prod Co: SONIK-INO ( @sonik_ino )


Jillian Bontempo ( @jillianbontempo )

Marianna Lo Truglio ( @mariannalotru )

GIMMY ( @_g.i.m.m.y_ )

Adin Taylor ( @adintaylor_ )

John Barrett ( @johnbarrett_ )

Phoebe Claire ( @phoebe.claire_ )

Diva Crawford ( @divadrumms )

Bridget Maizey ( @bridgetmaizey )

Luen Free ( @luenfreefree )

Abby Cryer ( @abbycryer )

Joel Faulkner ( @joeldfaulkner )

Concept/Written By Dave Stoker ( @davidhpictures ) & Shane Crosland ( @shane.mov )

Directed & Edited by Shane Crosland

Director Of Photography: Clementine Bourke ( @clementinebourke )

Produced by Agustina Maruca ( @agusmaruca )

Associate Producer: Dave Stoker

Handycam Operator/Photographer: Justin Crawford ( @thecrawfordcosmos )

Assistant Camera: Rose Lilian Hughes ( @rose_lilian ) & Rudi Gennari ( @ruperstition ) 

Sound Recordist: Narin Gayle ( @narin_gayle )

Makeup/Production Assistant: Stephanie Alvarez ( @stephsverg )

Stylist: Diva Crawford

Assistant Edit: Chiara Sofia ( @pinkdisorder )

Art Department: Estefi Minniti ( @estefiminniti )

Sound Design: Steve Nossiter ( @steve_nossiter )

Original Composing: Tito Son ( @_tito.son )

Visual Effects Artist: Mahdi Manar ( @mahdixmanar )

Colourist: Daniel Witchey ( @daniel.witchey )

Additional Wardrobe: Dusty The Label ( @dusty_thelabel ), Atmosea ( @atmosea ) 

Gear Rental: Cine2481 ( @cine2481 )